Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quarter 3 Final Blog

The genre that remains for fourth quarter: Nonfiction/Memoir

I've read quite a few genres this year. I even read a mystery (And Then There Were None), something I haven't done in a very long time. Honestly though, my preferences haven't changed. I still really like Fantasy and Sci-Fi. I mean I read The Silmarillion which stifled the overwhelming need to read fantasy for a while, and I read some other books (The Purgatorio and The Paradiso). The Paradiso was really a bore, though. I felt like the entire time, Dante was just giving a lecture on Church beliefs and being righteous and ho hum blahblahblah. I think I tuned out more times while reading that book than any other book I've read before.
Well, after that, I read The Three Musketeers which was really good fun, but I felt like I hadn't read fantasy in AGES. I actually read The Prophecy of the Sisters when I was on vacation, which was slightly milder fantasy. When I got back, I found Silver Phoenix as a new book while I was shelving in the library. I was dying to feed my fantasy fix, so I read through it relatively quickly. I mean Silver Phoenix was really just a normal, iffy quality debut fantasy novel by an author. Wasn't so great, but it did the job.

So, favorite book of the quarter. I think The Three Musketeers wins this title. Apart from fantasy/sci-fi, I think next in line in my favorite genres is Classics. I just love the language and the style they're written in. Just the way the story unfolds is different too. I love it, and unlike The Count of Monte Cristo which I enjoyed very much too, The Three Musketeers is, like I said before, a much lighter story. I really enjoy Dumas' style, and reading The Three Musketeers was a wonderful experience.