Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (Begin!)

And Then There Were None
by Agatha Christie

So, one of my goals this quarter is to to read a bit more mystery. If it isn't apparent already, I'm really into fantasy/sci-fi (so much that I was half-contemplating picking up this Star Wars novel I had before I remembered my goal). I honestly can't remember the last time I read a mystery novel. Well, that might be because I always cave in and take a peek (alright, maybe not just a peek) at the end. My willpower can't stand up to the suspense! Anyway, I decided the time for me to read a mystery is long overdue, and I've picked up And Then There Were None. I'm thinking it's a little hard to go wrong with such a famous mystery author (Agatha Christie!) and such a famous work of hers. Well then, let's see how it goes!

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